150 BC
150 Photographs From Before Christina
The '150 BC - 150 Photographs From Before Christina' series pays homage to the American painter Andrew Wyeth and his iconic masterpiece ‘Christina’s World.’ Set against the rural backdrop of Cushing, Knox County, Maine, USA - the very landscapes that inspired the 1948 painting - this series explores and tries to reimagine the preexisting essence of the area prior to Wyeth’s brushstrokes. Through 150 enigmatic photo artworks, Bebárdo takes us on a profound visionary journey through what was to become Christina's environment. By now it's clear the 'BC' in the title does not represent ‘Before Christ’, but ‘Before Christina’. Similar to ‘The Annunciation’, a frequent subject in Christian art history, this series too serves as an announcement, an anticipatory unveiling, like a drum roll before a performance, of the wondrous work of art that had yet to come into being. In Bebárdo's beguiling landscapes, seemingly devoid of significant events, quiet and mystical qualities prevail. The subtle ethereal lighting and meditative ambiance infuse each photograph with enigma. The artist made use of the aesthetic of late 19th century tintype photography, with its dreamy distinctive patina of scratches and corrosion. Simultaneously, the unusually low perspective makes it seem as if we are actually looking through Christina’s eyes.
'Christina’s World' by Andrew Wyeth portrays a young woman, inspired by his neighbor Anna Christina Olson, in a pink dress lying in a field, facing a distant farmhouse. Despite her relaxed posture, her tense silhouette suggests a sense of immobility. Olson, afflicted with a muscle condition, refused to use a wheelchair, opting to crawl. Wyeth aimed to capture her resilience. The painting's detailed objects invite scrutiny, while its title suggests it's more a psychological landscape than a mere portrait, reflecting a state of mind rather than a physical place.

Installation of 9 art monitors (33″) with slideshows
“It’s a moment that I’m after
A fleeting moment
But not a frozen moment”
– Andrew Wyeth –
“I want to do justice to Christina Olson’s extraordinary conquest of a life which most people would consider hopeless. If in some small way I have been able in paint to make the viewer sense that her world may be limited physically but by no means spiritually, then I have achieved what I set out do.”
– Andrew Wyeth –