In this post-apocalyptic saga, an unspecified catastrophe has unleashed a mutated mycorrhizae-like fungus that has transmuted all humans into an unprecedented and extraordinary hybrid species. These new hybrids are embracing their new symbiotic relationship within a newly thriving natural world order, while developing heightened senses and sometimes breathtaking physical attributes. The artist has paid extra attention researching, exploring and expressing the multitude of hybrid features and textures as well as portraying the many different characters. The narrative challenges the audience to consider the delicate interaction between humans and nature and the need to cherish and preserve the planet for future generations. The series is divided in two parts: 1. Portraits and 2. Scenes. This Portrait page focuses more on the psychological and appearance side within the series.
“The future is there… looking back at us.
Trying to make sense of the fiction we will have become”
William Gibson – Pattern Recognition

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”
– Charles Darwin –

Installation of 9 art monitors (33″) with slideshows

“You made your way
from worm to man,
but much within you
is still worm”
Friedrich Nietzsche – Also sprach Zarathustra