In this art series trees emerge as the unsung heroes of Earth's narrative, transcending realms of myth, magic, and science. For the artist they symbolize nature's ultimate masterpiece, sustaining life with grace and benevolence. Through Bebárdo's lens, trees become mystical guardians, echoing ancient traditions of spiritual reverence and ecological stewardship. From Norse mythology's Yggdrasil to the Bodhi Tree of enlightenment, these arboreal wonders connect humanity to spiritual and ecological realms. Biologically, they gift oxygen and foster biodiversity, while ecologically, they combat climate change and fortify Earth's balance. Bebárdo's art celebrates this sacred bond, urging us to honor and protect our natural world. Through his mesmerizing creations, trees are elevated to 'demiurg' superheroe status, reminding us of our profound interdependence and the enduring wonder of our shared history. The bustling with life aspect of this series was heavily influenced by the boundlessly exuberant liveliness of the 1615 painting 'The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man' by Flemmish masters Jan Brueghel the Elder & Peter Paul Rubens (Mauritshuis, The Hague).
“Ancient trees are precious.
There is little else on Earth that plays host to such a rich community of life within a single living organism”
– Sir David Attenborough –
Installation of 9 art monitors (33″) with slideshows
“We used to believe that trees competed with each other. But thanks to Suzanne Simard’s ‘wood-wide web’ theory, we now realize that the forest is a socialist community”
– Ted Lasso (fictional football coach) –
Art-print duo in black vintage frame and museum glass, 50 x 50 cm (Tree of Life series)
Art-print duo in black vintage frame and museum glass, 50 x 50 cm (Tree of Life series)
“A grove of giant Sequoia trees should be kept just as we keep a great or beautiful cathedral”
– Theodore Roosevelt –
Art-print duo in black vintage frame and museum glass, 50 x 50 cm (Tree of Life series)